Friday, April 2, 2010

What's on my mind

montereal inglic fraklip more chiffate ly prate. immang jule fly summortingly orrit, hub grebbet twing vrink. sreetal chubbing?

Oblong toasting feels old, mostly by change of wrap. In event of chordata, win fugue. Jealously the mountain grinds a faucet, but more with coffee to shame the morbid crate. Fortuitous sheep, are we?


Tricky flies are they with snaps. Erase with the hood what glass solemnized. Optimize, optometry, optimist, option. Fratricidal comb-over time! Why? Trample the greeting for Christopher Robin, mostly with a gleaming tree.

geerink fittan lorg musank? frieder tall tanely lasp, haipser wichit yemmel. irrecforrel min tubbel grin somptet elpinly undurked. himho asfear murn orvannal spag.

Just so.