Thursday, March 20, 2008

Evening relaxation

I'm still discovering stuff about this blogging site. I mean as in things it is capable of. It has spell check, which I will use from now on to avoid silly mistakes. There are a number of other neat things I can do:
  • Make lists
  • check them twice (kidding, sorry)
  • Change colour!
  • Change fonts
  • Change size
  • (it won't let me add a picture, but I tried)
  • I don't know what the button I just clicked does. It doesn't show up...

So enough of that. This evening I went to see our highschool drama production. It was very dark, but that's because it's easier to project negative emotions than positive emotions. I felt like the actors got shafted. The directing is obviously amateurm so they made minor fools of themselves. Oh well, it was a fun night out.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the negativity that seems inherent in our society. Dark, quirky, and even evil characters are embraced by box office crowds. Being emo has become mainstream, if not for the statement, then for the fashion. I'm working on a theory about this, and so far it comes to this:

  • We all want to be loved
  • We all have a side in us that is darker, melancholy, mean, angry, sad, etc. Negative in general
  • In movies, characters exhibiting those traits always end up with love of some sort
  • Simple case of emulation

Of course, it really is more complex than what we see in the media with characters like Sweeny Todd or Rogue (from X-Men) or whomever may apply. We see it around us too. Emos have a crowd that they mesh with, that they can assimilate with, and people who understand them. Of course, the entire land of jocks and preps I will not generalize on, because I freely admit I have no idea what the heck they think ever. But I think that the time of the fake happiness has ended, the period when smile and "fine" was the answer to "how are you?" is finished. We have moved through a short transition of genuinity into a cycle of what seems to be fake sadness. How, which would bo worse, do you think? On one hand, fake happiness makes those who don't feel happy more sad, as they feel they aren't like anyone else, that this is only happening to them. Contrarily, fake sadness makes it more difficult to figure out who really truly needs counselling. I don't mean to discredit anyone's genuine feelings, of course. But it certainly does seem to me that it's become chic to be tormented, angry, sad, or otherwise angsty. Please, people, think for yourselves, which is more than I can say I do. I simply identify haute couture and contradict it as much as possible. Mindless contradiction is not in any way original, and is almost as bad as conformity.

Pardon my abrupt change in voice or style this post. I stopped about halfway throu and watch an hour of Monty Python sketches, and that' really hard to subdue once its seeped into your mind. Their style, I mean.

I finally finished watching Big Fish! Lovely little mind games, and it made me cry. Not half bad. I really loved their presentation of the Fact vs Truth argument, and while I still believe it should be Fact vs. Perception, the point is that how you view the world is ultimately more important to your own happiness, validation, and character than how the world really, factually is. I think that shtik speaks for itself.

Anyhow, I've eaten a few too many almonds this evening, and I should get a bit of sleep so I don't feel as sick.

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