Sunday, November 2, 2008


Which means, by the way, a mix of a few different elements,
Which is what this weekend was.
Friday night was HALLOWEEN! I didn't even end up using my costume, truthfully. I went out and found those awesome previously mentioned WLU people. I think I'm gonna make an effort to see them regularly, because they are.... engaging.
So then saturday I went to see Jemma. She was a little pissed with me, cuz I hadn't been there for 3 weeks almost. Pretty much not since Thanksgiving, I think. So she wasn't pleased. But it was nice to have a fuzzy friend. Then my friend Emily and I went out to chill in KW. We stopped at Petcetera and saw the CUTEST black kitty up for adoption! And it was so friendly! We realized it was very fortunate we didn't have an apartment together because we would have paid the $200 adoption fee and take the little dear home and not been able to feed her. At least I know she probably found a good home. Cats that are sociable get loved. So then we attempted to find Emily a dress for commencement this coming weekend, but no luck. Found earrings and scarves for really cheap though! Yay!

My uncle from BC also came out this weekend. Hugely interesting person. My favourite story of his from this weekend was about his flight here. Apparently he bought the earphones from the Westjet people so he could listen to music on the plane. But the plane didn't have radio music, just satellite TV. He was a little disappointed, but he had brought books with him. This uncle, I should point out, is a surgeon. He had brought some medical journals to read. Apparently there were large colour pictures of people with disgusting tumours and growths and like pics of surgical procedures and such. The guy beside him (he said) looked creeped out. My uncle is one of those people that make me smile.

So then church this morning there was a guest speaker. He was a very interesting little man. Just very excited and bouncy and should have been a children's entertainer like Mr. Rogers. But he was interesting, anyhow. One of his points was that if we don't change we become irrelevant. And I really like that. He was talking about religion in that sense. Like religious structures and traditions can't stay the same forever.

And I think that applies to people just as individuals too. Nature presents most species with the biological necessity of change to adjust to the little changes that the plant makes as it gets closer to expiring. And everything is moving inevitably towards the end of the natural world. It wasn't built to last. Even on a universal scale. But things that are alive MUST change over time. I remember G.K. Chesterton said that the human mind can't handle the concept of eternity, so it has been cut into pieces for us with mortality just like someone would cut toast into "fingers" for a kid. But over our lives we need to change. It all comes back to this spiral idea. If we don't constrict into the boundaries of our own experience we will "run into" our old selves and find the world a very impossible place to live in. In other words, because we are biological creatures, we need to accept biological rules, which means change over time.

This afternoon I listened to "The Crickets Have Arthritis" by Shane Koyczan. I've listened to it before, but it made me cry... again. It's just so true. Life does that sort of thing to you. Once again, death is a part of biology, the center of the spiral. Either that means to a person that the spiral stops or that it bores into the next dimension. I'm a pan-dimensional person myself. It makes more sense. The biological life has a definite starting point and then winds down into the ending point, which must come. But then once the dimension is broken through it winds outwards from the start, so that we can look back and understand what came before, but it doesn't constrict us and there is universally, infinitely more time and space to expand and know and be. Does this make sense? I wish I had a picture to explain it. But the song still made me cry.

I feel like there is something more to say, but not sure what, so I will end this abruptly and post it.

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